Cap1-GAG m7G(5’)ppp(5’)(2’OMeA)pG GMP-grade (100 mM)
Cap1-GAG is a cap analogue with the structure of m7G (5') ppp (5') (2'OMeA) pG, the molecular formula
10×phi29 Reaction Buffer
10×phi29 Reaction Buffer可与phi29 DNA Polymerase (100 U/μL)(Cat#14409)配合使用,可发挥phi29 DNA polymerase最佳性能。
Snailase 蜗牛酶10404ES
N1-Me-Pseudo UTP Tris Solution GMP-grade (100 mM)
This product is produced in accordance with GMP process requirements and provided in liquid form.
phi29 DNA Polymerase (100 U/μL)
phi29 DNA polymerase来源于Bacillus subtilis噬菌体,经基因工程改造后具有卓越的链置换和持续合成能力,可合成长达70 kb的DNA片段
Bsu DNA polymerase (Large fragment, 5 U/μL)
Bsu DNA polymerase (Large fragment)来源于枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis),该酶保留了Bsu DNA polymeras I的5’-3’聚合酶活性,但缺失了5’-3’核酸外切酶结构域
DNA聚合酶I 12903ES
DNA Polymerase I 在模板和引物 (DNA或RNA) 存在的条件下,以dNTP作底物,沿5′→3′方向合成与模板互补的DNA。